September 7, 2024 4:59 pm

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Welcome to your Zooky Property dashboard. Here you can buy and sell Zooky Property tokens and manage your Zooky Property portfolio.

Property Tokens


Current Balance


2-3% per annum

The annual yield is approximatey 2-3% of your property token value. The bonus will be deposited into your account every quarter.

Property Portfolio Value

The chart projects your property portfolio value over time. This estimate is based on your current Zooky propery investments plus the average property appreciation over time.

Zooky Property Token Price


The Zooky Property Token price is based on real property market values and current market conditions. 

Annual Yield

The annual yield is derived from the total rental revenue. This revenue is divided by the total number of Zooky Property Tokens and distributed to Zooky Property Token holders.

The annual yield amount is distributed quarterly.

Token Price

The Zooky Token Property price is based on the real property market value. We use our proprietary algorithm to create accurate property values that are used establish the Zooky Property Token price.  The Zooky Property algorithm uses multiple signals to create a Zooky Property Price that reflects current property market values.

Sell Property Tokens

As properties in the Zooky property portfolio appreciate in value, the Zooky Property Tokens will appreciate relatively.

As we grow the Zooky property portfolio and as property values increase, the Zooky property tokens will increase accordingly. For the time being, until the Zooky property portfolio matures, selling Zooky Property Tokens will be unavailable. 

You will be notified once this feature is available.